2023 Short Course FLAGS South at The Long Center, Clearwater March 2nd - 5th

I offer the following discounts year round at all meets.

50% off any collage with the purchase of a Buy-All from that same meet.  If you buy-all at XYZ meet 2024 you can get 50% off a collage made from photos from XYZ meet 2024
50% off a Buy-All with the purchase of a Buy-All from any meet the previous 365 day (tracked from the date of the meet, not the date of purchase).  This excludes the same meet the next calendar year.
25% off a Buy-All of your 2nd swimmer at the same meet.  So if you have two swimmers at a meet and do a Buy-All for one, you can get 25% off a Buy-All for the 2nd.
25% off a collage if you purchase $200 of more of individual photos from the same meet.  If you spend $200 on photos at 2024 XYZ meet you can get 25% off a collage made out of photos from 2024 XYZ meet of that same swimmer, or a different swimmer.

These discounts stack when the galleries are on sale.  They are not automated though.  Place a qualifying order and then email me if you intend to purchase a 2nd buy-all or a collage and I will make a coupon code for you that's good for one week.  The discounts do not extend the sales though, so try to let me know before the sales end.  Feel free to email me with questions before you order.  Sam@swimmeetphotos.com

The password is your phone number and swimmer's first name.  Example: 2223334444bobby.  If you have password issues email me Sam@swimmeetphotos.com.

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